
Kind of a Fun Thing

I found a fun thing:


Apparently flare launchers do not need to be registered unless they are going to be used as weapons (which would include firing ammunition designed to hurt or kill someone, even if you are not USING it to do such a thing). In that case there is a process to go through which (basically) needs approval of local Law Enforcement, and a $200 tax.

I have not decided to get one of these as I am afraid it would become another expensive hobby, and the red tape isn't appealing.

One thing that ticked me off though... If I have a flare launcher loaded with pepper spray (which is readily available for flare launchers), and confronted someone breaking into my home- even if I am within the law to put a .223 round through the guy I would commit a felony and go to prison if I used pepper spray from my launcher instead of killing him. Go figure.


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